All Volunteer Organization

Join Our Ship

We have a general membership meeting once per month, and work-days prior to major events. Our various special interest groups gather on an impromptu basis whenever there is a quorum.

We have two classes of membership: full and associate. Full members must be sponsored by two existing members, must be approved at a general membership meeting, and pay a $20 initiation fee. Annual dues are $15. Full members receive the newsletter, admission to the annual show, and may vote and hold office. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a full member.

Associate members pay $12 annual dues, receive admission to the annual show, and receive the newsletter, but may not vote or hold office.

To become an Associate member, print this page, fill out the form, and mail it with your check for $10 to:

Tuckahoe Steam & Gas Association
P.O. Box 636
Easton MD 21601

Membership Application

TSGA staff is all volunteer and we are always looking for interested folks who would enjoy contributing to our mission. No specific abilities or skills are needed. Kids can get service learning hours and learn the value of teamwork. Please send us an email outlining your interests, skills and availability. Email:

Volunteer opportunities for Talbot County, Queen Anne’s County, Easton, legacy, Tuckahoe, Eastern Shore

Where You Find Us


Tuckahoe Steam & Gas Assoc.
11472 Ocean Gateway
Easton MD 21601
