All Volunteer Organization
Join Our Ship
We have a general membership meeting once per month, and work-days prior to major events. Our various special interest groups gather on an impromptu basis whenever there is a quorum.
We have two classes of membership: full and associate. Full members must be sponsored by two existing members, must be approved at a general membership meeting, and pay a $20 initiation fee. Annual dues are $15. Full members receive the newsletter, admission to the annual show, and may vote and hold office. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a full member.
Associate members pay $12 annual dues, receive admission to the annual show, and receive the newsletter, but may not vote or hold office.

Tuckahoe Steam & Gas Association
P.O. Box 636
Easton MD 21601
Membership Application

Volunteer opportunities for Talbot County, Queen Anne’s County, Easton, legacy, Tuckahoe, Eastern Shore